Eliminate Pest Infestations with
Triple P Pestcontrol

Triple P Pestcontrol is a professional pest control company that provides effective pest control solutions for your home or business. Our trained technicians use the most up-to-date methods to ensure that your property is completely pest-free, and we prioritize the safety of your family and pets.

Safe and Effective Solutions for Pest Problems

Expert Disinfection

Triple P Pestcontrol provides professional disinfection services to remove fungi, bacteria, and viruses. For thorough sanitization, we use eco-friendly and non-toxic products.
Please contact us for all of your disinfection and pest control requirements.

Did you know?

That termites build their colonies 24-hours a day every day

That the queen termite can reproduce one egg every three seconds, averaging about 30,000 eggs per day and that is 10,950,000 per year

That the female mice can be in heat and become pregnant in 24 to 48 Hours after giving birth to their offspring

That rat and mice can reach their sexual maturity at 4 to 8 weeks of age

That cockroaches can live up to three months without food and a month without water

That the female American cockroach can reproduce offspring without a male? The process is known as partherogenesis

That the female German Cockroach can produce 8 to 10 ootheca / egg capsule around every six weeks and each capsule carries 30 to 40 eggs

That the rodent carries many diseases including hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Tularemia, and Salmonella

That a female mouse gets pregnant about 5 to 10 times each year and can give birth to a litter of 3 to 14 pups

Expert Pestcontrol Services

A better way to eliminate pest

To truly eliminate pests, a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of infestations is required. This entails taking preventative measures, such as sealing entry points and removing sources of food and water, to keep pests out of your home. Furthermore, regular inspections and maintenance can help to keep your property pest-free.

Safe and Effective Treatments

To eliminate pests from your property, we only use safe and effective treatments at our pest control company. Our products are registered with the FPA & FDA and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This ensures that pests are eliminated without endangering people or the environment.

Preventative Measures

In addition to our pest control expertise, we also provide advice on pest prevention measures. We can advise you on how to seal entry points, remove sources of food and water, and properly store garbage. You can help prevent future infestations and keep your property pest-free for longer by taking preventative measures.

Personalized Solutions

We understand that every property is unique, which is why we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements. Our trained professionals will inspect your property and devise a customized plan to eliminate pests, employing a variety of treatments as needed. We'll work with you to find the best pest control solution.

Contact Us

Please contact us today for more information on our pest control services. We will gladly answer any questions you may have and provide you with a free quote for our services. Allow us to assist you in keeping pests at bay on your property!

Don't let pests ruin your home or businessAct now with Triple P Pestcontrol Services!